I learned the strategies that increased the chances of scoring and the strategies that reduced scoring opportunities. I grew up reading all the baseball history & biography books I could get my hands on and eventually ‘graduated’ to books that took a more analytical approach. My first T-ball team was the Beetles and we had orange shirts with black letters and I had black cleats just like the Reds. Oakland had long hair and mustaches and gaudy green and gold uniforms with white shoes. I liked the Reds since then because they won that particular game and they were clean-cut like my dad. My first memories are of the 1972 World Series between the Oakland Athletics and the Cincinnati Reds. I have been a baseball fan since I watched my first baseball game or played in my first T-ball league when I was six or seven years old. My first point will be explaining why and how I like to play. Two-time Champion and APBA Hall of Famer Brian Wells Some even wear lucky clothing as long as it smells fresh. Many players bring lucky dice shakers or dice towers. Teams and players used in previous tournaments are eligible as long as they meet the minimum requirements unless they won a championship. So teams from the modern era don’t have a problem filling the 20 card roster used in the tournament. The length and value of contracts dictate the player’s health be considered in the long-term instead of the short-term. As Major League Baseball has grown more players play. The only two changes I can think of are player limits (50AB or more for position players & 20IP or more for pitchers) and team pool (select from the 1950 season to the current past completed season, 2015 for this year) but those rules seem a bit redundant to me. The game company posts the rules ( here are the 2016 rules) well before the tournament so no surprises.

The rules are fairly simple and have changed slightly over the years but the goal for most of the players is to have fun while meeting old and new friends. I enjoy playing APBA Baseball and the highlight of my year for the past few years has been the APBA Convention in Alpharetta Georgia. Me (Braves Cap), Randy Coryer (Expos Cap) & Skeet Carr at the 2015 APBA Convention